
Sew a Scrappy Clothesline Bowl

$ 60 usd
Thu, May 2, 2024, 1:00 – 4:00 PM CDT
Fiber Frolics Studio, 1108 Summit Avenue, Plano, TX, USA Map
Sew a Scrappy Clothesline Bowl

Come sew a creative and functional bowl using cotton clothesline wrapped with quilting fabric scraps. You can bust your stash (even the smallest of scraps will work!) or use scrap strips, a single fabric cut into strips, or strips from a jelly roll. Your bowl can be made in nearly any size or shape, and you can use leftover clothesline for coasters or trivets.

Class instruction includes demonstrations, samples and loads of hands-on help. We will take regular breaks. Bring yourself (and maybe a friend!), all the items listed in the What to Bring section below, and your sewing juju.

PLEASE NOTE: You must have experience using a sewing machine prior to this class. This is a project sewing class, so we will not be teaching attendees how to use their machines.

WHO CAN COME: Adults ages 16 and up

SKILL LEVEL: Confident beginner and beyond

PREREQUISITES: Must be able to confidently thread and stitch on a sewing machine


  • Your sewing machine, power cable and foot pedal (NOTE: sewing machine must have zigzag stitch)
  • Everything else that came with your machine (bobbins, accessory feet, extra machine needles, etc.)
  • A spool of regular sewing machine thread (use high contrast thread if you want a design feature!)
  • Heavy duty sewing machine needle (recommend size 90 or 100)
  • Fabric scraps or yardage
  • Rotary cutter and mat if you need to cut strips from yardage
  • Straight pins
  • Scissors or snips
  • A snack or two to keep you energized
  • A beverage to keep you hydrated (please make sure your bottle or tumbler has a lid that seals to prevent spills)


  • Cotton clothesline
  • Glue sticks

NOTES: This is an in-person adult (ages 16 and over) class held at Fiber Frolics Studio in Plano, TX.

Please click here to read and understand our class policies before you commit to registering for this class. Class fees are non-refundable.

If you have any questions about anything you have read above, please send an email to classes@lynetteelliott.com or call (844)SEWING1 (844-739-4641). We are happy to answer your questions!


Lynette Elliott


Contact us


Fiber Frolics Studio, 1108 Summit Avenue, Plano, TX, USA


  • Machine Sewing Classes
Age Groups
  • Adult
  • All